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The Common Fund Development and Application of Imaging Technologies for Oculomics (Oculomics) Venture Initiative aims to support development and application of novel, noninvasive ocular (eye) imaging technologies, machine learning algorithms, and other tools to identify highly sensitive and specific biomarkers for diseases that affect the entire body. Oculomics can have a significant impact on early detection of diseases before the onset of symptoms, and can help clinicians with early disease intervention, risk assessment, tracking disease progression, and supportive therapeutics. Ocular imaging technologies provide a unique opportunity for measurements of diabetes, hypertension, stroke, and coronary, inflammatory, metabolic, and renal diseases. Because of is noninvasive nature, Oculomics has the potential to provide advanced health care to all communities, including rural and underserved communities throughout the world. 



News & Announcements

The Oculomics Initiative has released a new Research Opportunity Announcement! (ROA)

Have questions about the Oculomics ROA? View the informational webinar presentation slides, webinar recording, and ROA FAQs.

On January 25th, the NIH Council of Councils approved the concept of the NIH Common Fund's Venture Program. Find out more by browsing the presentation slides and program description. Or watch the videocast

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This page last reviewed on September 5, 2024